Torrent bridesmaids 2013

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Not only is she consistently and uniquely funny, but her character is surprisingly well-developed, and Wiig brings the character to vibrant and dynamic life on-screen. But when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian's maid of honor. Многие рожденные во время этих репетиций сцены, шутки и реплики были впоследствии включены в фильм. Reluctantly, entangled in life's vicissitudes girl takes the job, without feeling the slightest joy and pleasure. Annie's life is a mess. But by the end I was pleasantly surprised that there was a lot good humor involved. Russian Date of Original Encoding.........................

Synopsis Competition between the maid of honor and a bridesmaid, over who is the bride's best friend, threatens to upend the life of an out-of-work pastry chef. Annie Kristen Wiig , is a maid of honor whose life unravels as she leads her best friend, Lillian Maya Rudolph , and a group of colorful bridesmaids Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey and Ellie Kemper on a wild ride down the road to matrimony. Annie's life is a mess. But when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian's maid of honor. Though lovelorn and broke, Annie bluffs her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals. With one chance to get it perfect, she'll show Lillian and her bridesmaids just how far you'll go for someone you love. While it was not along the same plot as the HangOver, it was about the moments leading up to the wedding. At first I looked around the theater and noticed it was 95% women and I started to feel like I had made a mistake. But by the end I was pleasantly surprised that there was a lot good humor involved. Some of it would be considered guy humor, but actually had all the women in the theater laughing their asses off. So as a guy, I can honestly say I enjoyed the movie. Most of these types of movies are about guys making complete asses out of themselves and you almost never see the same from women. Hollywood always likes to make women seem perfect, but you see women making crude remarks about their own genitals and it's nice to see that women can be funny in this regard as well. I think this was a great movie for female humor, because I have long thought that comedy was dominated by male actors and I am just waiting for some women to jump in there and start paving the way. Good job on this movie! This should make Wiig a star -- and she deserves it she has a Meg Ryan quality. The rest of the cast is hilarious also. This isn't a formula film. The scenes are way longer but you won't notice because you'll be laughing so hard. They're much richer and funnier because they're given time to unfold. I went in with no expectations and came out with a big smile. This is a female driven film and women will love it but guys, don't be afraid -- you'll love it too. The trailer for the film admittedly didn't do much for me, but I was intrigued by the concept of a female-driven Apatow film. Ultimately, I went into the theater with modest expectations, hoping to get a few good laughs out of it. By the time we came out of the theater, my three friends and I had smiles plastered across our faces, and we couldn't stop talking about the film for the next couple hours. We all loved it. I think it easily ranks with the best of the Apatow productions, and it might even be my personal favorite. Like all of Apatow's productions, there are admittedly scenes that arguably go a little too far or a little too long, but that's a small criticism when the film successfully fires on so many other cylinders. To start with, the film is hilarious, and I think the comedy far exceeds the standalone bits shown in the trailer. Scene after scene is filled with humorous and often sidesplitting moments, and they had the theater in an uproar during the screening. I can't say enough about Kristen Wiig. Prior to this, I've always liked her to some extent but never really loved her. I think she's good at what she does, but I wasn't sure her shtick could sustain an entire film. Would her passive aggressive wit get old? Is it the only note she can play? Can she handle anything more dramatic? Ultimately, she blew me away in this film. Not only is she consistently and uniquely funny, but her character is surprisingly well-developed, and Wiig brings the character to vibrant and dynamic life on-screen. And this brings me to my next point about Bridesmaids: the film has a surprising amount of depth that completely caught me off guard. Bridesmaids isn't a quickie 80-minute gag fest by any stretch of the imagination; it's actually a leisurely paced 2-hour character-driven comedy that takes time to develop its characters and establish the various relationships and resultant conflicts between them. Ultimately, the film ends up being quite heartfelt and even rather sad in places. Despite the over-the-top antics shown in the trailer, the themes that the film explores are actually quite grounded. Kristen Wiig's character is someone who is feeling completely let down by life, which is a place we've all been, and the personal journey of her character resonated strongly for me. While her character is easily the most well-developed of the bunch, even the other bridesmaids ultimately show some three-dimensionality as well, despite the fact that they are sometimes initially introduced as two-dimensional caricatures. Ultimately, Bridesmaids was one of the most enjoyable comedies I've seen in a long time. It's certainly not perfect: it could probably do with some editing, there might be a few too many subplots some of which are left unexplored , and it arguably goes too over-the-top at times, but everything else about the film works so well that these complaints are little more than nitpicks. While I applaud everyone involved in the production, it is Kristen Wiig who deserves the most accolades. As co-writer and lead actress, she plays a huge part in the film's success, and I sincerely hope this film puts her on the Hollywood map, as I would love to see more from her in the future. Whatever the case may be, Bridesmaids certainly makes for a successful maiden voyage for her into the world of feature-film comedies.

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